Scott Pros

Captain Kirby LaCour
United States, Louisiana, Kenner
Phone: 504-464-1697
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Captain LaCour is a leading pioneer on an exciting frontier: Gulf Coast fly fishing for inter-tidal species. As a native of central Louisiana, fresh water was his only choice for fly fishing as a youngster. However, living in the New Orleans area since 1982, Kirby took to the brackish water fishing with such intensity that he has turned his love into his career.

Louisiana is widely known for its wonderful inland marsh fishing for redfish and speckled sea trout, but few people have discovered that this area is a tremendous fly fishing destination. When potential clients ask about the fishing, they are astounded by the list of possible species and fishing situations. Within sight of the New Orleans skyline, Captain LaCour fishes for redfish, speckled sea trout, flounder, bluegill, and largemouth bass. A fifteen minute boat ride takes you from the saltwater of the Gulf of Mexico to brackish water marshes and all the way into fresh water river systems.